Personal Service combined with Secure, Advanced Technologies
For the best rates, service & support, trust the professionals!
As a merchant, you needn’t worry about account security, transaction speed, funds availability, or overall transaction processing cost. The fact is, getting paid should be easy, seamless and affordable. At 1st National Payment Solutions, we do everything we can meet this expectation.
For over two decades, our successful privately held, family business has maintained our mission of providing high quality, secure, and economical processing solutions to merchants throughout the United States. Rest assured, that as a merchant of 1st National, you are partnering with only premiere Class A Banks, Processors, and POS Equipment Manufacturers.
Expect the best pricing... expect the best service... and expect that 1st National Payment Solutions will be the only payment processing partner you'll ever need.
“I want you to know how much I appreciate the excellent customer service your office has provided me…Customer service is a big issue with me and earns my loyalty….The sales rep from TCF Bank keeps bugging me to switch my card processing to his company but I don’t even want to talk to him.”
Lowest Pricing - GUARANTEED
Next Day Deposits
EMV & PCI Compliant
Most Business Types Accepted
Same Day Approvals
Live 24/7 US Support
ATM solutions
Extend the value to your customers
Increase your revenue
Indoor and outdoor units
Complete service & maintenance
Buy or lease your ATM
Secure, convenient, & profitable
Latest technology
Credit Card Processing
Gift Card and Loyalty Programs
Working Capital Loans
Check Processing
Advanced Payroll Processing
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Electronics Benefits Transfer (EBT)
“ I felt very supported. This was an excellent customer service experience. Thank you!”